Study on extraction process for bergenin from ardisia japonica thanb . bl . qingfei granule 清肺颗粒紫金牛提取工艺研究
There were 66 species in the community 3 ( castanopsis fargesii + schima superba - itea chinensis - maesa japonica community ) , and castanopsis fargesii and schima superba were the dominant species of tree layer , and itea chinensis and symplocos sumuntia were the dominant species of succession layer , and maesa japonica and ardisia japonica was the dominant species of regeneration layer 采用物种数、 m雌alef丰富度指数、 simpson和shannon一wiener多样性指数、 simpson和shannon一wiener均匀度指数对黄茵岭生态保护小区森林群落多样性进行测定,结果表明该地区有较高的物种多样性。